What Exactly Is A Mystery Shopper? A mystery shopper is like an undercover agent. You might accept assignments for restaurants, grocery stores, automobile dealers, retail stores, or amusement parks, Just about any type of business you can think of could benefit from the services of a mystery shopper. You receive a specific assignment for your shop. For example, you may be asked to describe the parking facilities, cleanliness, friendliness of staff, and your wait time at a restaurant. You must always work undetected. The staff should not suspect that you are an evaluator or they would treat you differently. Your job is not to spy on employees, or try to find things wrong or right. Your job is simply to follow the script that comes with your assignment and provide an impartial evaluation. You are the link that keeps the Corporate Headquarters informed and they need you to maintain yourself in a professional manner. For a business to be successful, they must maintain customer satisfaction. They can better please the customer if they understand how the customer is being treated and if their product is being sold as they intended. You will have the benefit of working around your schedule, which can be beneficial for a housewife, mother or part time worker. Some places may want you to go to their establishment only during certain hours, i.e. happy hour, early bird specials, moonlight madness sales, etc. You may be able to request certain hours of the day that are best for you, such as early mornings for moms with small children in preschool or late afternoons - early evenings for those who already hold down a part time job